An iodine fuming box with glass liner composed of separate pieces of glass. The liner is supported on springs so as to ensure a tight fit against the lid. The base has two paper labels '162' and V.E.E.- E.S.S. 129 EARLS COURT'. The labels may possibly relate to an auctioneer. At least one other piece of daguerreotype apparatus has the same label. This probably means they come from the same set.
In use the plate sits above the sliding glass plate. When this plate is withdrawn the surface of the plate is exposed to the iodine fumes from the iodine crystals placed in the bottom of the glass tray. The box has a maximum plate size of 212mm x 164mm. The top of the box has finger holes to ease the plate's removal. Two metal hook and eyelet fastenings and hinges for access to the glass base.
Overall measurements:
Width =214mm
Depth =272mm
Height = 66mm
Plate size = 212mm x 164mm
Height of the base tray = 21mm
The Royal Photographic Society Collection in the National Media Museum
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