A family group portrait showing a couple and their three children. They are grouped around a table on which there is a toy(?), and the woman holds a stick pointing at a basket on a box which the smallest child is playing with. The woman wears a bonnet and cape and the man wears a dark jacket and stock round his collar. The two standing boys wear gowns with dark ribbons round the neck and the little girl is in a dress. They are in front of a window with curtains. The stereo image is in a leather slip case embossed with the Regent Street coat of arms, with a leather tongue to close.
portrait; Man; woman; couple; family; children; wave apparatus; curtain; window; table; bonnet; ribbons; gown; side parting; central parting; toys
Subject identification by Professor Steve Edwards.
Image description
A family group portrait showing a couple and their three children. They are grouped around a table on which there is a toy(?), and the woman holds a stick pointing at a basket on a box which the smallest child is playing with. The woman wears a bonnet and cape and the man wears a dark jacket and stock round his collar. The two standing boys wear gowns with dark ribbons round the neck and the little girl is in a dress. They are in front of a window with curtains. The stereo image is in a leather slip case embossed with the Regent Street coat of arms, with a leather tongue to close.
Subject name
Wheatstone, Charles; Wheatstone, Emma, nee West
Printed Claudet label on the verso, Claudet stamped in gold on the slip case with the Regent Street coat of arms.
Nicholas Burnett reference collection, United Kingdom
Claudet, Antoine François Jean
„Claudet betrieb sein Studio in London, war aber gebürtiger Franzose. Seit 1827 lebte er an der Themse, wo er sich als Importeur von technischem Glas (Scheiben und Glasstürze) einen Namen machte. Auf Anraten seines Freundes Lerebours nahm er 1839 Kontakt zu Daguerre auf. Er erlernte bei ihm die Technik und erwarb eine Lizenz für England. Dann importierte er Daguerreotypien nach London, wo sie als erste Lichtbilder am 15. Oktober 1839 dem Königspaar und im März 1840 der staunenden Öffentlichkeit in den Räumen der Royal Society vorgestellt wurden. Kurz nach Richard Beard eröffnete Claudet im Juni 1841 in London ein Atelier. Standort war ein Glashaus auf dem Dach der „Adelaide Gallery“. 1851 konnte Claudet aufgrund guten Geschäftsverlaufes in der Londoner Regent Street 107 ein neues Studio, den „Temple of Photographic“, einweihen.“ (Jochen Voigt: Spiegelbilder. Europäische und amerikanische Porträtdaguerreotypie 1840-1860, Chemnitz 2007, S. 127.) Sir Charles Barry, der das Parlament in Westminster errichtet hatte, baute Claudets neues Etablissement im Renaissancestil aus. (J.V.)
Royal Warrant granted on the 9th of July 1855.
Previous altering
The lack of tarnish probably indicates that the plate has been cleaned in the fairly recent past.
This is a portrait of Charles Wheatstone with his family and his 'wave apparatus'