Résultats des recherches présentés dans une table de données
Catalogue Date Sujet Tags
G IX 45 Nr. 248 1840-1844 G IX 45 Nr. 248 - Voigtländer, Johan Friedrich, Voigtländer, Franziska Amalie portrait man woman plaid ties white headdress
EGH121a EGH121a portrait man beard stylish hair jewelry
1990-5036/13697 1855-07-09-1867 1990-5036/13697 - man portrait double breasted coat waistcoat tartan cravat chair curtain gold highlight tie pin button
1990-5036/13715 1990-5036/13715 sculpture man woman couple embrace medieval dress plinth cloak marble
PD426-01495 1852-07 PD426-01495 portrait man sideburns moustache bow tie jacket waistcoat trousers chair upholstery curtain dado rail
1951-323_3 1951-323_3 man jacket cravat shirt side parting seated portrait
1990-5036/13731 1990-5036/13731 statue man chair writer book quill pen
036 1855-07-09-1867 036 - portrait group portrait woman man window curtain table dress chair jacket bow tie pelmet
1977-176_1 1977-176_1 carpenter man sideburns hat paper hat waistcoat shirt trousers hammer chisels vice saw saw-horse clamp carpenters pincers bench wooden plank timber basket wooden shelf bowl brace drill bit shavings
341-1961 1849 341-1961 man jacket waistcoat shirt bow tie trousers chair upholstery cloud backdrop beard hand coloured
2003-5001/2/28295 2003-5001/2/28295 man moustache whiskers top hat cane eyeglass sideburns monocle jacket waistcoat trousers bow tie table chair curtain hand coloured
1876-524_3 1876-524_3 Foucault, Leon man moustache beard shirt jacket cravat chair hand coloured scientist side parting
1990-5036_2565_1 1990-5036_2565_1 man plain background head facing front collar handcolouring
1984-1642 1855-07-09-1867 1984-1642 - Claudet, Antoine, Claudet, F., Claudet, H. man curtain window beard sideburns suit trousers waistcoat jacket bow tie button shoe scientific equipment scientific gold highlight side parting table watch chain tinted focimeter photographometer multiple plate darkslide hand coloured plate holder portfolio
E.1203-1992 E.1203-1992 man suit coat column cravat shirt moustache tablecloth standing violin bow window
1990-5036/13734 1853-01-12-1855-05 1990-5036/13734 - man portrait standing book gold highlight hand coloured cravat gold ring black gown portrait cushion side parting clean shaven
1990-5036/13730 1855-05-1856-09 1990-5036/13730 - woman man couple husband wife chair glove gold highlight bracelet chain watch chain jewelry necklace lace bonnet ringlet waistcoat jacket trousers cravat sideburns centre parting button book seated portrait
1990-5036/13719 1855-05-1856-09 1990-5036/13719 - man portrait straw hat suit jacket trousers cravat shirt waistcoat clean shaven side parting woman dress lace collar lace cuffs handkerchief jewelry earring ring gold chain bracelet centre parting chair hand coloured gold highlight
Ph243-1979 1851 Ph243-1979 man chair table instrument vessels globe scientist fez overalls hand coloured scientist telescope globe mirror lamp stereo viewer vacuum pump bell jar still alembic hand coloured glass jar microscope microscope case
1977-176_3 1977-176_3 statue man soldier sword sword-belt epaulettes trousers coat uniform hat walking stick grave gravetone cross
1977-176_4 1977-176_4 statue woman man tunic helmet mail rifle sword sword-belt dagger trousers coat
1990-5036/13718 1855-05-1856-09 1990-5036/13718 - man portrait straw hat suit jacket trousers cravat shirt waistcoat clean shaven side parting woman dress lace collar lace cuffs handkerchief gloves jewelry earring gold chain bracelet centre parting chair hand coloured gold highlight curtain
1951-321 1854 1951-321 man receding hairline sideburns jacket shirt trousers waistcoat cravat gloves pince-nez cord neck ring watch chain chair table painted backdrop column hand coloured gold highlight
1990-5036/13707 1853-1859 1990-5036/13707 - man man clean shaven jacket shirt cravats waistcoat trousers jewelry ring watch chain chair side parting
1951-323 1855-07-09 1951-323 man handcoloured jacket trousers cravat chair table watch chain container plain backdrop
1950-38 1853-01-12-1855-05 1950-38 - young portrait man jacket shirt bow tie elbow plain background side parting chair
BE_PRI_JB_024 BE_PRI_JB_024 - stereo portret man staand
FH 00496a-b 1853-1854 FH 00496a-b - portrait man
d0093 1852-1860 d0093 - portrait man woman group
TSD D 00095 1850-1870 TSD D 00095 - portrait porträt man mann gentleman garden garten table tisch chair stuhl building gebäude architecture nature hedge hecke dog hund
1876-524_2 1876-524_2 Becquerel, Edmond man moustache beard sideburns shirt jacket cravat scientist
NPG P154 1851-06-16-1852 NPG P154 - Wheatstone, Charles, West, Emma, Wheatstone, Arthur William Frederick, Wheatstone, Charles Pablo, Wheatstone, Florence Caroline portrait family man woman child window curtain
2003-5001/2/20898 1854 2003-5001/2/20898 man officer british army hand-coloured epaulettes sword sash uniform
1917-20 1855-07-09-1867 1917-20 - man jacket waistcoat cravat shirt ring top hat table tablecloth chair side parting
FAU142 1848-1848 FAU142 - Diriks, Carl (Fyrdiriks) (1814-1895), Kirsten Diriks, f. Stabell (1827-1878) woman kvinner man mann
2003-5001/2/28261 1855 2003-5001/2/28261 Crystal Palace man waistcoat moustache cravat statue girders bench glass glass roof tree in pot conifer climbing plant foliage plinth railing ironwork
1990-5037_A.101 1855-07-09-1867 1990-5037_A.101 - Ratcliffe man sideburns moustache waistcoat jacket side parting hand coloured gold highlight cravat chair
1951-322 1855-07-09-1867 1951-322 - man grey hair sideburns shirt jacket cravat waistcoat trousers seat table bunch of flowers woman dress bracelet jewelry necklace fringeing girl boy picture wallpaper window pelmet curtain straw hat top hat side parting centre parting hand coloured gold highlight
1876-524_1 1876-524_1 old man grey hair sideburns plaid shirt jacket cravat scientist
1990-5036/13710 1852-08-1852-08 1990-5036/13710 - man sideburns jacket shirt cravat waistcoat trousers jewelry ring watch chain book table tablecloth microscope lens live box
1977-176_8 1977-176_8 man trousers jacket shoe sock shirt scientist table tablecloth sideburns fez hat fake bookcase photographic prop octant concave mirror oil lamp funnel bottle box camera tripod air pump bullseye lens alembic still stereo viewer egg-timer telescope microscope globe chair carpet unidentified objects reflection microscope case bucket stand
1977-176_9 1977-176_9 carpenter man sideburns paper hat waistcoat shirt trousers hammer chisels vice engineers vice saw plane clamp carpenters pincers bench shavings carpenters square bottle oil can wooden plank wooden shelf bowl brace drill bit claw hammer
1990-5036/13700 1855-07-09-1867 1990-5036/13700 - man clean shaven jacket waistcoat shirt cravat trousers ring hand coloured chair table tablecloth side parting
2932502 1855-07-09-1867 2932502 - man standing chair watch chain waistcoat jacket side parting bow tie
1951-323_6 1854 1951-323_6 woman young woman man jacket trousers waistcoat sideburns letter book cap lace cap lace cuffs lace collar lappet dress shawl buttoned dress jewelry brooch bracelet ring chair painted backdrop column hand coloured gold highlight
1990-5036/13709 1853-1859 1990-5036/13709 - man jacket shirt cravat waistcoat trousers jewelry ring watch chain book table tablecloth cane chair side parting
1990-5036/6046 1854 1990-5036/6046 man judicial clothing judicial wig breeches turned back cuff neckerchief waistcoat button gold highlight watch chain court coat high collar patent leather shoe gold chain stiff collar with bands silk carpet footstool wall panelling table
d0095 1852-1860 d0095 - portrait man
Ph.333-1961 Ph.333-1961 man beard bow tie jacket waistcoat shirt chair upholstery gold highlight hand coloured painted backdrop cloud backdrop
1990-5036/13708 1853-1853 1990-5036/13708 - man jacket shirt cravat waistcoat trousers ring chair sideburns