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Catalogo Data Soggetto Tag
Plate j. Plate j. woman central parting cap dress bow ribbon fingerless gloves collar book table carved hand coloured
1990-5036/DB/25 1990-5036/DB/25 woman dress jewelry necklace cuffs lace collar thistle brooch ring table tablecloth book
CA32 CA32 Mc Swiney portrait woman standing centre parting ringlets dress table books curtain backdrop jewelry
1939-112 1939-112 woman dress bonnet ribbon teeth lace bracelet flowerpot vase flower table tablecloth paisley shawl hand coloured
Plate c Plate c George Stacey and Deborah Lloyd his wife man woman couple hand sideburns waistcoat shirt jacket dress shawl cap collar bow table tablecloth book
119 119 woman dress lace cap lace cuffs lappet table hand coloured chain jewelry gold highlight
1990-5036/DC/24 1990-5036/DC/24 woman dress book table chair hand coloured gold highlight chain jewelry brooch centre parting
223 223 Sharpin, Mrs woman dress chair plait lace table book watered silk tablecloth
NPG D2036 NPG D2036 portrait print copy woman actor dancer dress veil table window
Ph337-1961 Ph337-1961 seated woman dress long sleeved lace cap collar neck bow necklace ring handkerchief middle parting hand coloured chair table plain backdrop
258 258 woman dress flower table lace lace collar cap hand coloured vase jewelry necklace brooch
1911-321_5 1911-321_5 woman dress centre parting chain brooch ring silk table tablecloth lace book backdrop landscape hand coloured
1990-5036/DB/22 1990-5036/DB/22 woman dress hand table vase chair foliage lace collar
2003-5001/2/28067 2003-5001/2/28067 Raphael, Agnes woman dress necklace gold highlight hand coloured table tablecloth centre parting jacket jewelry
1990-5036/DB/51 1990-5036/DB/51 woman dress shawl ring box gold highlight table tablecloth centre parting
001 001 Donaldson, Matilda Georgiana (b. Lingham) woman dress sitting lace shawl cap hand coloured table tablecloth jewelry centre parting
P.167-1929 P.167-1929 woman dress tie lace collar lace cuffs jewelry ring earring table tablecloth
PH362/45 PH362/45 woman lappet dress chair table tablecloth jewelry ring
E1188-1992 E1188-1992 woman long sleeved dress collar necklace hair ribbon middle parting book table chair hand coloured plain background
1990-5036/DC/39 1990-5036/DC/39 woman ringlet centre parting dress short sleeve wristlet backdrop curtain table tablecloth book chair carpet
PM_F23 PM_F23 woman bonnet dress cuffs ring table table cloth curtain hallmark
1990-5037_A.111 1990-5037_A.111 woman dress chair table tablecloth ringlet centre parting bracelet chain hand coloured
PH369/14 PH369/14 woman elderly woman cap grey hair jewelry ring brooch lappet dress curtain table tablecloth
2003-5001/2/28220 2003-5001/2/28220 Raphael, Josephine, Raphael, Constanze woman sister lace collar scarf painted backdrop table plant chain dress centre parting
2003-5001/2/28072 2003-5001/2/28072 woman table plant jewelry necklace brooch bracelet dress centre parting chair
2003-5001/2/28054 2003-5001/2/28054 woman ringlet centre parting tablecloth table ring dress
2003-5001/2/28151 2003-5001/2/28151 woman lace cap book table chair dress centre parting textile tablecloth
100 100 woman ringlet table table cloth chair book dress jewelry brooch chain bracelet gold highlight hand coloured lace handkerchief
PD126 PD126 woman portrait table handcoloured painted backdrop column chair dress centre parting
2003-5001/2/28211 2003-5001/2/28211 woman dress lace collar backdrop bonnet book table chair
2003-5001/2/28075 2003-5001/2/28075 woman table book box chair dress centre parting tablecloth
1990-5036/DB/14 1990-5036/DB/14 woman dress scarf ring book hand coloured centre parting chair table
2003-5001/2/28139 2003-5001/2/28139 woman jewelry book lace cuffs hand coloured chair broach table dress centre parting gold highlight ribbon
1938-756 1938-756 portrait woman full length dress interior table vase flower tablecloth basket jacket skirt spots centre parting gold highlight hand coloured bangle bracelet brooch jewelry standing
1990-5036/DB/26 1990-5036/DB/26 woman dress brooch thistle ring book lace collar lace cuffs table
1990-5037_A.112 1990-5037_A.112 woman dress chair guitar shawl centre parting table dog lace statue scent bottle flower glass dome bonnet wall bracket
2003-5001/2/28108 2003-5001/2/28108 Fawcet, Ellen (later Lady Mostyn) woman dress hairstyle table chair centre parting
1965-419 1965-419 woman dress lace collar lace centre parting chair table tablecloth hand coloured
1990-5036/DC/32 1990-5036/DC/32 woman dress lace collar lace cuffs hat feather bracelet hair decoration table tablecloth chair
NTNU-UB-F-EFT-064 NTNU-UB-F-EFT-064 woman dress jewelry bracelet broche table tablecloths
PH407-1982 PH407-1982 woman dress jewelry gold chain seated gold highlight silver highlight brooch lace collar pearl bracelet ringlet ring shawl lace table tablecloth vase hand coloured
1990-5036/DB/52 1990-5036/DB/52 woman dress bracelet chair chain watered silk lace collar table tablecloth centre parting upholstery handcoloured
1990-5036/6057 1990-5036/6057 woman ringlet centre parting dress chain brooch hand coloured chair table tablecloth
GF-5292 GF-5292 dress woman table
IK-01 IK-01 woman three quarter portrait dress collar ring earring table painted background
NTNU-UB-F-EFT-057 NTNU-UB-F-EFT-057 portrait woman dress chair table tablecloths ribbon ring jewelry
1990-5036/DB/12 1990-5036/DB/12 woman dress ribbon plaid bow jewelry bracelet cuffs centre parting chair table tablecloth gold highlight
1990-5036/DB/28 1990-5036/DB/28 mother of pearl young woman profile dress collar neck bow table tablecloth ring plain background chair
1990-5037_A.51 1990-5037_A.51 woman dress lace collar lace lappett jewelry bracelet chain brooch hand coloured gold highlight chair table vase flower book centre parting
1990-5036/DD/18 1990-5036/DD/18 woman dress crinoline lace collar lace cuffs chain gold highlight hand coloured handkerchief shawl table tablecloth corsage flower backdrop column chair centre parting