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Catalogo Data Soggetto Tag
001 001 portrait man
1935.103 1845 1935.103 Sabarth, Franz Ludwig Vincenz portrait man
1935.106 1850 1935.106 portrait man woman group child
1988.105 1850-1860 1988.105 - portrait man
1988.106 1845-1850 1988.106 - portrait man
2015.030-B2 1855-1860 2015.030-B2 - Bargiel, Mariane, geb. Tromlitz (1797-1872), Bargiel, Cäcilie (1831-1910), Bargiel, Woldemar (1828-1897) portrait woman man group
2139 1845-1855 2139 - Wauer, Johann Gottlob (1783-1861), Wauer, Christiane Sophie, geb. Wünsche (1794-1879) portrait man woman group
2140 1850-1860 2140 - Wauer, Johann Gottlob (1783-1861) portrait man woman group family
2628 1850-1855 2628 - portrait man
2633 1850-1860 2633 - portrait man
2634 1840-1850 2634 - Bechler, William Ferdinand (1825-1898) portrait man
2639 1848-1855 2639 - portrait man woman
26484 1845-1850 26484 - portrait man woman group
26490 1845-1855 26490 - portrait man woman group
2932499 1848-05-1848-05 2932499 - Webster man groom pony ladder stick building column mews lamp top hat waistcoat boots boy cobbles exterior whip saddle pitchfork harness plaid cap doorway trousers stirrups child
2932500 1848-1848 2932500 - Zohrab, Royal Mews man top hat wall stonework whip sideburns horse cobbles exterior mews column building brickwork door window saddles pillar lantern glassmetopes brackets stirrups tree
2932507 1851-1851 2932507 - Candia, Giovanni Matteo de man hand coloured moustache beard bow tie jacket chair waistcoat
32-60 1850-1860 32-60 - portrait group man woman
35-62 1848-1855 35-62 - portrait man
44-62 1848-1855 44-62 - Fricke, Friedrich portrait man
45-62 1850-1851 45-62 - Graff, Philipp portrait man photographer
600149 1844-1845 600149 - Junot, Karoline Henriette Luise, geb. von Schiller (1799-1850), Junot, Bergrat Franz Karl Immanuel (1785-1846) portrait group man woman
6053 1848-1855 6053 - Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholdy (1809-1847) portrait man reproduction of painting
638 1848-1853 638 - Kölbing, Carl Moritz (1795-1872), Kölbing, Lydia geb. Sörensen (1798-1854) portrait group man woman
689-63 1850-1860 689-63 - portrait group man woman
690-63 1850-1860 690-63 - portrait man
691-63 1850-1860 691-63 - portrait man
692-63 1845-1845 692-63 - portrait man
695-63 1845-1845 695-63 - Mailand, Marietti portrait man
696-63 1845-1848 696-63 - portrait man military uniform medals
698-63 1848-1855 698-63 - portrait man group military uniform
700-63 1845-1855 700-63 - portrait man cigar
702-63 1845-1850 702-63 - portrait man
704-1963 1850-1860 704-1963 - portrait man
705-63 1843-1850 705-63 - portrait man
707-63 1845-1860 707-63 - portrait man
713-63 1845-1855 713-63 - portrait group man woman
716-63 1850-1855 716-63 - portrait man
719-63 1850-1860 719-63 - portrait man
722-63 1850-1855 722-63 - portrait man
7cBF-17443 1855-1860 7cBF-17443 - portrait group man woman child
7cBF-R-11590 1848-1855 7cBF-R-11590 - portrait man beard
8cBF-157 1850-1860 8cBF-157 - portrait man woman
AG-007 1850-1855 AG-007 - Kürten, Bartholomäus (1814-1889) man portrait mann letter künstler artist
AG-008 1850-1860 AG-008 - woman frau mann man portrait mother of pearl papiermaché perlmutt ölmalerei
ANO-191 1843-1843 ANO-191 - Rietveld, Jan Arnold George man portrait
ANO-192 1843-1845 ANO-192 - Rietveld, Hugo portrait man telescope
ARCP109 1845-1860 ARCP109 - portrait man
ARCP11 1845-1860 ARCP11 - portrait man seated trousers jacket waistcoat shirt bow tie side parting
ARCP119 1840-1845 ARCP119 - portrait man waistcoat jacket chair shirt