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RF10 1850-01-01-1852-12-31 RF10 - St. Mark’s, Venice, South West Portico and St. Jean d’Acre Pillars (reversed) pillar pilaster arch carved low-relief church column lantern building gargoyles landscape window stonework
RF100 1854-12-31 RF100 Rouen Cathedral, Façade, Central Portal (reversed) landscape church exterior door clock gothic window statue arch tympanum cross gargoyles stonework building
RF101 1854-12-31 RF101 Rouen Cathedral, Façade (reversed) church exterior building sky clock gothic window statue arch gargoyles stonework scaffolding tracery landscape
RF102 1854-12-31 RF102 Rouen Cathedral, Façade (reversed) church exterior sky clock gothic window statue arch gargoyles stonework scaffolding tracery tower landscape building
RF63 1846-12-31 RF63 building landscape exterior church door pillaster stonework statue arch window roundel capital gargoyles stripes pulpit tympanum family pedimant
RF9 1850-01-01-1852-12-31 RF9 - St. Mark’s, Venice, North West Portico, from the front (reversed) building arch pillar capital column gargoyles landscape stonework sky