Visualizza I risultati in una tabella
Catalogo Data Soggetto Tag
2003-5001/2/28237 1855 2003-5001/2/28237 interior sculpture pillar pilaster statue arch ionic capital
1990-5037_A.115_8 1854 1990-5037_A.115_8 statue plinth foliage arch column railing nude laterally reversed
2003-5001/2/28293 1855 2003-5001/2/28293 Crystal Palace, Tomb of the Black Prince tomb gothic architecture statue arch railing pillar
35-1972 1854 35-1972 Crystal Palace psyche statue plinth ironwork vase
2003-5001/2/28281 1851 2003-5001/2/28281 statue wall painting sculpture bust glass window column pillar doric capital girderswooden floor
RP-F-F14420 1853-01-01-1853-12-31 RP-F-F14420 - Crystal Palace sculpture hall water statue
RLB_55_1799 1854 RLB_55_1799 statue sculpture pergula garden drappery stereo plate
RLB_56_1832 1851 RLB_56_1832 wreath victory bust stereo plate statue palm branch wreath
2003-5001/2/28265 1855 2003-5001/2/28265 Crystal Palace arcade bas-relief bench wooden floor pilaster medieval court arch statue railing gothic
2003-5001/2/28267 1855 2003-5001/2/28267 Crystal Palace wooden floor window marble statue tomb pillar railing oriel window arch gothic
2003-5001/2/28255 1854-06 2003-5001/2/28255 Crystal Palace sculpture statue glass roof pillar column capital girders plinth wooden floor
2003-5001/2/28257 1855 2003-5001/2/28257 Crystal Palace glass arcade statue marble plinth glass roof hanging basket girders fountain railing
2003-5001/2/28256 1855 2003-5001/2/28256 Crystal Palace glass marble statue urn column plinth glass roof wood floor metal struts girders bench foliage ironwork tree
2003-5001/2/28258 1855 2003-5001/2/28258 Crystal Palace glass wrestlers statue pot plant marble plinth glass roof climbing plant girders agave wooden floor column pillar
2003-5001/2/28229 1855 2003-5001/2/28229 interior sculpture foliage water cart floorboards statue plinth
2003-5001/2/28259 1854-06 2003-5001/2/28259 Crystal Palace sculpture window pillar girders fountain plant foliage water-lilies urn statue ironwork reflection